Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I missed my Blackberry.


I haven’t had my phone since Thursday night. I left it in a cab after leaving my home due to a personal upset and my world was upside down ever since. According to the NY Times, Barack Obama may have to surrender his Blackberry in 65 days. “A decision has not been made on whether he could become the first e-mailing president, but aides said that seemed doubtful.” That is just so unbelievable. Chapter 12 is focused on Communicating in the Internet Age, that would be today and 65 days from now. “The chief executive of the United States is essentially deprived by law and by culture of some of the very tools that other chief executives depend on to survive and to thrive.” How can they be so primitive? I understand that it can be hacked, but there has got to be better options especially with the technology we have today.


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